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File List | 1994-08-19 | 13.6 KB | 175 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 50 - Basic and Visual Basic Source Code │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 1MANKALA.ZIP 25369 07-08-94 Exciting strategy game for Microsoft
- | QBasic.
- ALARM12.ZIP 37154 03-29-94 Alarm Custom Control (VBX): Custom
- | control sets alarm(s).
- BASXRF20.ZIP 42605 06-03-94 Basic program X-Ref 2.0 by J.N. Goodale
- | <ASP> Provides formatted listing,
- | user-label/line number, variable, and
- | reserved word cross reference. Output
- | to file or printer. Works for Microsoft
- | QuickBasic, QBasic and PDS, possibly
- | other dialects.
- BMPLST17.ZIP 46146 03-29-94 List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX).
- COMLYR.ZIP 726910 05-12-94 Microsoft Jet 2.0. Visual Basic 3.0
- | Compatibility For Windows Programming.
- COPYCD20.ZIP 15956 03-15-94 Copycode 2.0: VB source code copy
- | utility for VB 3.0 that allows you to
- | open a second project next to your VB
- | environment; requires VBRUN300.DLL.
- DILAUDID.ZIP 464125 05-07-94 Fractal/Cellular/Pat.Gen. Music Genera-
- | tion program, and sample MIDI files,
- | very ALPHA test version, includes all
- | QuickBasic source code, very "human"
- | sounding.
- DNALIB7A.ZIP 300222 05-16-94 PB 3.0 GUI library supports mouse with
- | many features. Lib manager/source.
- DOORLAB2.ZIP 85716 06-28-94 DOOR SYS door making library for QB 4.5.
- DUNGEON9.ZIP 185761 05-15-94 The Dungeon 9.0 Adventure Game with PDS
- | 7.1 Source.
- EQUATEV5.ZIP 33157 05-07-94 EQUATE 5.0. Little equation solver in
- | BASIC.
- FANIVB.ZIP 16429 03-04-94 Fractal Animation with Visual Basic,
- | uses Fractint and Visual Basic for
- | Windows to create fractal animations.
- FMV120.ZIP 22352 07-04-94 FMSVER 1.20. Verify filenames and file
- | sizes in RBBS-PC FMS directories. A
- | free utility with source code, by Chip
- | Morrow.
- | ing QBASIC has never been more FUN!
- | Students can make their OWN fast-action
- | computer games with minimal QBASIC code.
- | Up to 100 SPRITES and 20 characters.
- | Developed in conjunction with Educators.
- | Includes 100 page QBASIC tutorial, 20+
- | tutorial programs & 6 demonstration
- | games including HackMan, Invaders, Ball
- | & Tank.
- GUIBOX.ZIP 34720 04-01-94 A set of routines for screen 12 Windows
- | to help create GUI applications.
- IVBSRC.ZIP 25210 07-03-94 Inside Visual Basic Source Code.
- | Contains examples on accessing many
- | different API functions in Windows.
- JOYSTK12.ZIP 53985 03-29-94 Joy Stick Custom Control (VBX).
- JS3PAK20.ZIP 115029 03-29-94 INICon, PerCnt, DFInfo VBXs <ASP> This
- | package contains three custom controls:
- | IniCon, PerCnt, and DFInfo. IniCon
- | handles INI file access. PerCnt puts a
- | percentage bar on your form (easy status
- | bars). DFInfo gets and sets various
- | pieces of information concerning disks
- | and files. Free control (SoundX) upon
- | registration.
- LB11W.ZIP 766827 05-03-94 Liberty BASIC 1.1 for Windows! THE
- | every man's Windows programming tool!
- | Interactively program for Windows in
- | BASIC! Easy to learn! College degree
- | not needed! Creates dialogs without a
- | resource editor! Supports graphics -
- | Easy to use debugger. No TRON/TROFF
- | nonsense - sample programs. Royalty
- | free runtime engine available! OS/2
- | native version available.
- MENUEV30.ZIP 29648 03-29-94 Menu Event Notification Control (VBX).
- MSLOT10.ZIP 30215 03-29-94 W4Wg Mailslot Control (VBX) <ASP>
- | Visual Basic custom control that makes
- | mail slot use simple. No Windows API
- | calls required. Requires Windows for
- | Workgroups.
- PBCWIN11.ZIP 52962 04-03-94 PBCwin 1.1: Windows programming toolkit
- | for Visual Basic and other languages (a
- | DLL). By Tom Hanlin.
- PBDK.ZIP 76179 03-21-94 PowerBasic for Windows help module.
- PBINTX.ZIP 21554 05-09-94 Clone of QuickBASIC's INTERRUPTX routine
- | for PowerBASIC programmers. Supports
- | Absolute Read/Write interrupts as well
- | as half registers which PB does not
- | support natively.
- PBWTD13.ZIP 235168 04-19-94 PB/WORKSHOP(tm) TEST DRIVE 1.03. Visual
- | Interface Designer for PowerBASIC 3.0.
- RKEY31QB.ZIP 198476 06-05-94 RegKey 3.10. Registration key system
- | for QuickBASIC. Add registration key
- | support to your QuickBASIC programs.
- | Allows distribution of your software for
- | demonstration purposes. When a user
- | pays for your program, they receive a
- | registration key which switches your
- | application into registered mode,
- | possibly enabling additional features.
- RKEY31VB.ZIP 189684 06-05-94 RegKey 3.10. Registration key system
- | for Visual Basic. Add registration key
- | support to your Visual Basic for Windows
- | programs. Allows distribution of your
- | software for demonstration purposes.
- | When a user pays for your program, they
- | receive a registration key which
- | switches your application into regist-
- | ered mode, possibly enabling additional
- | features.
- ROTEXT13.ZIP 38498 03-29-94 Rotated Label Custom Control (VBX).
- | real time frequency analyzing programs
- | using a variety of rough high speed
- | methods (uses SB line-in jack). Includes
- | QB source code.
- SHUFFLE.ZIP 26365 03-20-94 Visual Basic 3.0. Audio CD shuffle
- | player programming example.
- SOUNDX13.ZIP 37015 03-29-94 Soundex and Metaphone Control (VBX).
- SVGAPB21.ZIP 242642 05-30-94 SVGAPB LIB 2.1. High-resolution, color
- | graphics library for SP PowerBASIC. It
- | recognizes more than 20 SVGA cards and
- | allows programming in 320x200, 640x400,
- | 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024
- | 256-color modes. Functions include
- | hardware id, primitives, fills, joystick
- | and mouse support, 2D & 3D functions,
- | sprite.
- SVGAPV21.ZIP 231268 05-09-94 SVGAPV LIB 2.1. High-resolution, color
- | graphics library for MS PDS/VBDOS. It
- | recognizes more than 20 SVGA cards and
- | allows programming in 320x200, 640x400,
- | 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024
- | 256-color modes. Functions include
- | hardware id, primitives, fills, joystick
- | and mouse support, 2D & 3D functions,
- | sprite animation, and GIF encoding &
- | decoding.
- SVGAQB21.ZIP 229193 05-09-94 SVGAQB LIB 2.1. High-resolution, color
- | graphics library for MS-QBasic 4.x. It
- | recognizes more than 20 SVGA cards and
- | allows programming in 320x200, 640x400,
- | 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024
- | 256-color modes. Functions include
- | hardware id, primitives, fills, joystick
- | and mouse support, 2D & 3D functions,
- | sprite animation, and GIF encoding &
- | decoding.
- TT_DEM.ZIP 18270 03-16-94 The version of the ToolTip control
- | included in this demonstration is fully
- | functional in the Visual Basic design
- | environment, but cannot be used with EXE
- | files produced from Visual Basic.
- VBBLD11.ZIP 102650 03-24-94 VB Build 1.1. Assists in designing
- | better VBasic programs.
- VBKB_FT.ZIP 3277900 03-29-94 Microsoft's Visual Basic Knowledge Base
- | complete package includes full text
- | search, help files and the required .DLL
- | files.
- WPUNPASS.ZIP 37552 03-20-94 Decrypt passworded WordPerfect files.
- | WordPerfect 4.x and 5.x files can be
- | passworded (encrypted). This utility
- | decodes the password. Source code is
- | included as well as article from the
- | Internet on the algorithm. In Basic.
- | More PC FREEWARE by Gabriel Fineman.
- ZIPINF11.ZIP 40470 03-29-94 ZIP File Information Custom Control
- | (VBX): Information about ZIP via
- | properties. All of the above Visual
- | Basic custom controls (VBX) are by James
- | Shields, Mabry Software. Source is
- | provided upon registration.